Wednesday, February 03, 2010

All Work and No Play

I've always believed that revenue should be the measure of success of a company. Saying this, I must relate to you how desperate I am for a steady revenue stream for the company. Yes I work for someone and no its not my own company. But the owners have made it clear that by hook or crook money needs to come in soon.

We've not clinched anything yet, and the pockets of the owners are ever so deep. For many moons now I've been trying to work out deals and look at oppertunities in the ICT sector to score something. But no scores yet. Most of my 'projects' are on deciding mode. Hopefully by year end it'll be a different picture altogether.

On the social side, its virtually non-existant. Only friends who call up to aks for professional favours. I've also had 'friends' who misuse our friendship for professional gains. Sad but true that there are oppertunists out there who indulge in such misbehaviours. So apart from unreliable assitants, aborted friendships and dishonest customers, my life has been pretty hectic.

Last year saw the passing of a dear friend 'Design Junkie' aka Harris. Hes been a good friend and a blogging companion to whom this blog has had links to since day 1. You can find his now defunc link in my list of blogger friends down this page. There are things that we've shared, that until now no one else in this world knows about. Truly felt his deminise.