The City, Labour and Jessica

As the Friday evening fast approached, i looked out my window at 4pm and saw many co-workers start to leave as quickly as they had come in to work the very same morning. Thats the good thing about life here, everybody takes it easy and enjoys the weekend. In about 40mins all the major roads into the city would be jammed packed with office workers trying to make their way home to start their early weekend after a gruelling 5 days of sheer productivity. Like them, i too needed to party as hard as i had worked over the week. So help me god. Looking around me to make sure that the big bosses were not anywhere near my corridoors, i quickly switched off my PC made my way to the exit, down the flight of stairs and into my car. I waved to stan and lindsay who were still sat at their desks while they peered out through the window looking at me with a smile as i got into my car. I pedelled my honda and made a quick dash to the motorway that takes me across the bay bridge.

As i drove across the bridge, the view from the motorway was simply breathtaking. The paddocks of sailboats and yatches line up in the marina, that filled with oceanic restaurants. Blocks of urban landscape transcends into the harbour creating postcard quality images that are simply breathtakingly beautifull. No wonder this place continues attract streams of people from as far away as seattle to come and live and work here. And i get to see all this everyday as i drive home from work. Sometimes i forget how lucky i am.

We had the elections on Sat to decide the parliament, where 61 seats were contested for and the party with the majority seats decides the parliament. Labour under MP Clark did a clean sweep, although National led by 10% at 30% votes being counted. Glad to hear that it'll be another Labour govt for these reasons :-

1. National supports the Bush policies on invading Afghan and Iraq.
2. National intends to abolish ethnic indegenious seats in parliament.
3. National head left his wife and married s'porean secretery he was having an affair with in 1989, who now writes most his kiasu speeches.

A mate who is a manager at a hotel here came around the house on the weekend. He mentioned that earlier today Jessica Alba checked into his hotel and that he personally tended to her and her 3 bodyguards. According to him, in person shes as hot as she is on TV. Shes in town to shoot a Tiger Beer advert with the s'pore crew after angelina jolie turned them down.
Shes cool to talk to and had even lived here in this town before for 2 years doing i don't know what. Staying at the penthouse, shes taken another suite just for a changing room, which my mate gave her at 50% discount. She was so thankfull that she insisted on doing something for him. He settled for an autographed photo of her for his wife. Good eh? Then while were were talking, a call from his staff came in that Jessica got her CD stuck in the player in the room. He instructed the staff to go out to buy that very same CD and that he'd take care of this in the morning. Talk about dedication. And how was your weekend?
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