Today in News

FRANCE, Over the last couple of days, all the major newspapers were talking about how Lance Armstrong had won yet another tour de France competition on the Alps. This half man half machine had been able to win at least 3 consecutive races within the span of a couple of years i understand. Hes so popular that french chicks take their top off when he bikes passes them and grown men even have his pin-up poster on their walls next their playmate calendar. Hes an icon, an idol and an i-want-to-be, especially this time of year.

Armstrong's stamina, strength and determination have inspired hundreds of athletes around the world to strive to achieve success and make a mark in the world of sports, much like he did. But a team of sports scientists began studying Armstrong and found his heart to be 30% larger than the average male of his body mass. His heart was said to be of the size of a male of 7 feet in height and that it produced 23% more energy pumping at the same rate that ones in other normal humans. Goes to say that his heart untrained, had the same burn rate as one that had been training for 12 years. Just think of what it can do when its fully trained. I wonder if the same scientists could study my slightly larger body parts?

LONDON, in a chaotic frenzy after discovering 3 new bombs on public transport in the city, cops shot a brazillian dude 5 times in the head at close range simply for failing to stop when they told him to. News reports said cops pinned him down and shot him through the head 5 times after he ran when they told him to stop. There was however no reports that the brazilian was a terrorist or that they found traces of explosives in his gear.

Heck for all you know he could have been just an ordinary tourist who ran when someone pointed a gun and shouted at him. Since when do cops out there carry out a death sentence when told to stop? I hated the city enough, now with cops running around and passing out death sentences by shooting through the head 5 times, i'm definitely banning myself from ever stepping foot there. Barbarians.

I didn't get the rental place in the bush i was talking about last week. Called a day after seeing the place with the owner and was told that it went to someone else. Bullocks. And it even had a tree house and a jacuzzi in the bathroom. What a downer. Today at 3, i'm seeing a place thats about 500m from the beach and looks like a hollywood house from the outside.

Its going for $380 p.w. and is about 5 mins further from where i currently live. If i like it, i'm talking the price down to $350 before i put the money where the honey is.
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