Thursday, June 30, 2005

The New President

The company I work went through a recent take over by an american technology corporation based in the US. Boo yah! Bring it on. The yanks saw this company as a money spinning technology company that was poised to take on the world and to produce revolutionary electronics what would reshape the GPS navigation landscape. Yup we were seen as that promising. If only they knew the real things that we got on with from 8-5. I only wished that half of what I said was true. So within 3 months of buying us up, they sent Gorankivic a company man from the US office to run things here as the new president. Now I have not yet spoken to him but seeing him walk by the office told me that he was a proper company man that was sent to run things americano style. When he arrived, the senior managers were aprehensive and negatively opinionated about the new chief. You see management were worried that their fat salaries would be restructured for whats its worth. They worried about their $1million houses and how they were going to be paid if anything went different on the salary side. These were the worries that came along with the new president.

I later found out that Gorankivic was serbian american and had worked as a key manager in some of the parent company's other subsidaries and that this president position was to reward him for some his his good work done in the US. Funny enough, my team lead is resigning pretty soon and his replacement is Hymei, a snr engineer from the palm OS team. Incidently Hymei is also serbian and came here about 4 years ago following his parents who were biological scientists working in the city. I have a pretty good relationship with Hymei and he sits just behind me. We hang out pretty often and relate better as both of us are foreigners I should say. Last week Hymei started hangging out with our president Gorankivic as both some from the same neighbourhood in Serbia i am told. Talk about connection to the main man. Heck if hymei does connect with upstairs this puts me in a better position to voice out issues i reckon. Already I know that the president is dissapointed with our product. He tells Hymei that in Minnesota, his merc has an incar unit that could get GPS signals even from his basement car park, while our product requires like a drive a round the block before signal is established. Little thoughts of the president like this do add up and amount to something.

The days here were getting more fashinably monotonous and less exciting. I hear that when this happens, its time to leave. Leave I would like but where shall i be employed then? Its not that this city is a big and full of oppertunities as good old KL. Even now I hear jobs are dwindling back home. So for a city of just 1million inhabitants, the next place of employment would be a worry if i left here. There are 2-3 good companies recruiting but I wouldn't stake my money on those places being a fun'ner place to work or more lucrative to work in for all that its worth. Thank god for the weekend.