Thursday, May 05, 2005

and how did your week go?

Well if you must know, mine was just absolutely terrible. First i get sent these 2 bugs that was pretty obvious to fix, but then i accidently told the project manager about them and about how i was going to fix them. Silly me. The guy then comes along every few seconds asking me about them, when they were introduced and exactly why they occurred. I know the code pretty well, but I never bothered to run through its many complex algorithm's and then remembering how it runs for a year or so before it changes again. The sheer size of it was one thing, then theres at least 4 people who keep changing how it works every month or so. Just such a big task. Just wasn't my style to do unnecessary work. I just look at it when its broken. Hence i would have no immediate recollection of how it runs in my mind all the time. So when he asked me what was going on, my non-convincing answer was "superficially, getting GPS took too long and so it rebooted". He argued with me on why it was behaving this way on this unit and not on the other. Then in one of my remarks i mentioned that "i don't really know how it works as it had been written by someone else bout 2 years ago". This made him really worried and he called for a meeting to discuss the issue with my manager, me and team lead. So for the next 2 days we pitted to convince him of why it was doing so. Finally we resolved the issue by commenting that piece of code out. I could have done that 3 days ago if i had only kept my mouth shut. I need a job in KL now!

For that and other wrong things i have said this week (due to pressure to completely understand how 5 product's codes work on different CVS branches) and unsurity of remote parts of the code base, i think my software manager and the project manager probably think i'm an incompetent wanker by now. Hell see if i care. To make matters worse, theres a smart-alec talkative fresh grad who had just been hired and sits near me. The guy talks non stop and at a really anoying pitch trying to impress everyone with his know-how crap. I just found out last week that this mf was from m'sia but had settled down here 10 years ago type of thing. Its bottom-kissers like these that give m'sia a bad name to foreigners and make the country difficult to live in when they're in the country. I'm sure every one of us has had expereinces with b*stards like this. I hope he gets run by a car next week. Then i'll get some peace and quite in the office. His loud voice and cheap slang really gets to me.

I better stop before you lot think i'm a winging old cow. Hope next week is a better week. Laterz.