Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hi, Hows it been?

I know, its been a while since I last posted. Back then the king of soul, Mr James Brown was still alive. A lot has happened since. Some good, some not so good. For starters I'm at a new job now. Cooler than the last. Got a payout from my last job as the company wasn't doing too well and the manager that hated my guts was complaining about me every chance he got. He was a m*%#$^f*^&ng prick who didn't like any development work done that strayed from his style of work as the product was his baby and was part of his Uni masters thesis 4 years ago. Since I was the only developer that worked with him for the sole company's product, the c*cksucker was always on my back about petty things like style of coding and little subtle mistakes I made aong the way. Typical small company attitude. But they gave me a 3 month severance and that was it. So I flew out and chilled for the 2 months I was out. It really felt like I was let out of prison and air never tasted so good. Then a multinational recruited me and here I am. Better work and pay thank god.

Below are 5 things that are on my mind now.

1. As Ethiopian troops enter soverign Somalia, I am disturbed by the level of involvement that Ethiopia backed by the US, is trying to exert on Somalia and her people. The interim Ethiopia-US backed govt had recently lost the elections and was thrown out through an elected process, hence Ethiopian interest in Somalia was the main cause of this foolish attack. Another US backed regime I guess. Dumb and dumber?

2. Maria Bello's bare butt crack and how good they smell in my pants hands. I love how real her cellulate infested bum looks and how at 35 she looks like a typical bare bum I would date at my age. Her bum looks more recognizable to me now as apposed to tight perky bums 15 years younger I used to date a decade ago.

3. Before starting the job with my current employer, I had applied for a job in KL and sat for a teleconference interview they conducted recently. Good company and generous dosh as well. Now if they do offer me a position, it would probably be something that I would want to persue. Being here for the last 4 years, I can't forsee myself growing old here. Home is where I want to eventually be. Theres so many things I want to do and experience before I kick the bucket. But a good job would definately be something that I would need before making a bold move back to KL.

4. The m'sian govt recently lifted the ban on foreigners to buy property in m'sia. This was seen as a bold move to help the property developers like Sunway, Gamuda, Tan & Tan who are already rich, become richer. Theres no doubt that key govt figures have a vying interest and dependant finacial stake in the well being of these blood suckers. So by allowing singaporeans foreigners buy local property, developers become richer and cost of houses spiral up making it a no go for aspiring buyers like me to buy ay? Instead of looking after the developers ineterests buy opening up the housing market for them, shouldn't the govt be looking after its citizen's interest by investigating why house prices are so ridiculously expensive when the income per capita does not permit spending of these proportions. The whole economy of scale just doesn't make sense to me. I'm not paying RM450k for a terrace house just because we need to compete with foreigners to buy local houses. What were they thinking ay?

5. Is the drop-dead chick sitting cross-legged in front of me in the red minis with smooth shaven legs and strech marks really not wearing any knickers? Wonder how she would feel about bite marks on her bum?

The last 1 year had been totally insane for me. I'd been up, down, sideways and washed ashore again. If theres anyone still reading this post, do write to tell me what you tarts have been up to.