For God's sake, they're just Children
Yesterday on a drive back from a funeral, american GIs in Baghdad blindly n blatantly riddled a car with bullets without any warning, suspecting it of carrying millitants. Just like israel suspects every house in palestine harbours a freedom fighter aka hisbullah, and bombs it. Does every iraqi car that passes along get suspected of carrying millitants? Do the GIs now have the right to shoot at anything that moves, with the excuse of it being a suspected millitant, or abieting a millitant? When the car did stop, it was discovered that the car did not have any millitants in it. Just 4 adults and 4 children who were dead as their bodies soaked in pure innocent blood, spilled by an invading evil force. For god's sakes, these were just children not the millitants that you hunt and kill for defending their homes and dignity against an invading army. Millitants that you torture and dishonour at your cruel prison camps. For god's sakes, they are just children.
For god's sakes they're just children.
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