Cuti-Cuti Malaysia
As i grill through my hectic work days of pure boredom and monotonous routines, my mind was somewhat distracted by a webadvert i saw on cheap flight tickets to asia. I was immediately captivated by how cheap the tickets were and how much fun i'd have on another trip to KL. Its been 5 months since i'd been back and a sweet holiday out in the sun would definately get the veins pumping again and my life with something good to work for. It had been years since i last worked in KL, but thoughts of how it was to have worked there was still fresh on my mind. The thing that i remembered most i guess were the holiday breaks. Back then, i would take short escapade breaks out to PD or cherating to quench boredom whenever it kicked in. I guess working in the consultancy business then allowed me to work from remote locations, including in a wicked hotel room that faces the pool on a deserted beach in tregganu in the middle of the week where the cook and recept would know me by name and offer personalised services to cater. As long as i had a phone socket, much of my work then needed to just be emailed across to the other managers, who probably were themselves on another beach somewhere seeing some action i reckon.
As i thought about how my life would improve with a wicked holiday in KL this Dec, my fingers picked up the phone and started dialing daphne's number. Daphnes a sweet 29 yo m'sian chick who works for a travel agentcy in town. Shes been here 5 years and lives in with her mat salleh bf. I think she likes it here, but i constantly tease her to go home and marry a PJ boy instead. She just smiles and tells me to get lost. The first time i met her was about 2 years ago when i went to her office to get my tickets for a KL trip. We started talking after she introduced herself as a m'sian and now the whole family uses her for all our tickets home. Always nicer to deal with ur fellow m'sians eh? She gives us the best price in town and is also flexible on shifting flight schedules. We love you daphne.
I hoovered the phone to my ear and held it up with my shoulder to my neck as soon as my fingers finished dialling. The phone went into a ringing tone before it did a click when i heard the voice on the other end of the line say "Hello daphne here".
"Hi ya.... its me. How have you been? whats ticket prices like in early Dec to KL with stopovers in Jakarta?" i asked in a hurried fashion. In the office, i usually cut small talk.
"Its $1400 but you'd have to be quick. Tickets would gone soon this time of year." she said.
I thanked her and said that i'd call to confirm as soon as i got my leave cleared. "Bye now .. and say hi to Charles for me will you" i said before i put down the phone. Slumping on my chair and thinking of sweet KL booties already, i quickly sum up the benefits of a trip to KL in dec. Boooya!
1. Raiding KLCC for cheap ISETAN clothes, dockers pants and aseana's daging rendang with ais aseana drinks. Smoke sessions at the asena are also a wicked way to chill out while having teh tarik. I can't wait.
2. Taking out a beach front villa in cherating and spending 3 solid days out on the beach and pool, having lunch at the hotel and seafood dinner out in the nelayan village for a meal of ur life. Definately the highlight of my trip home.
3. Called a good mate today who works in Bangkok for Halliburton. Told him i'm coming over for 3 days. Hope his thai gf doesn't mind me bungking over, i promise i'll be good and not walk around nude in the flat. Also would be great to be able to make use of his driver to get me to places. Nothing like bangkok traffic jams.
4. Did i say i was also doing jakarta and bali on transit for a couple of days?
This'll definately start my new year with a bang. Boooya!